Elders are the primary spiritual leaders and bible teachers of the church.

Brandon O’Sullivan

Lead Pastor, Elder

Brandon is the lead pastor at Gospel Community Church. He oversees the teaching and vision of GCC and is passionate about developing young people into leaders in the church who will reach people who are far from God and start new churches and ministries in Santa Cruz County. He has been in full-time ministry since 2010.

Brandon met his wife, Laura, in Santa Cruz while working as summer youth interns at a local church. They have been doing ministry together ever since! They have three children - a beautiful daughter, and two wonderful boys.

Brandon has his B.A. from the Master’s College and his M.A. from Reformed Theological Seminary. He is currently working on a doctorate in leadership from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Cody Bryan


Cody leads Christian Challenge UCSC, our college ministry partner. He started this ministry from scratch, and, since it’s beginning, the Challenge team has shared the gospel with hundreds of UCSC students! Cody knows the Bible well and teaches faithfully. He and his wife, Brittany, have three wonderful children.

Michael Cutler


Michael is passionate about discipling young men. He faithfully studies and teaches the Word of God. Michael and his wife, Rachel, have also served as community group leaders for several years. Together, they have three beautiful daughters.

Ben Hartel


Ben is a steadfast leader in our church who faithfully preaches the Word of God. He has church planting experience and brings wisdom to our elder team. Ben and his wife, Kelly, serve as community group leaders. They have a son and a daughter.



Mikey Johnson

Discipleship director

Mikey oversees discipleship, membership, and community groups. He was raised up as a leader through our residency program, working with students, before formally joining our staff.

He loves seeing God at work in peoples’ lives when they believe the Gospel and trust Jesus, and he enjoys being part of a fun community where he can see these heart changes unfold!

Mikey has his B.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Boyce College and is currently pursuing an M Div. in Christian Ministry at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was recently married to his beautiful wife, Jade.

Laura O’SullivaN

Children’s Ministry Director

Laura has an incredible heart to care for children as they learn about God, faith, and the Bible. She has worked with children since her college years, from being a camp counselor at Mount Hermon, to a credentialed teacher with a decade of classroom experience, to now starting and leading this special ministry at GCC. Kids Ministry is so much more than childcare - she sees an eagerness for God's Word in the kids she works with and just how much they thrive surrounded with community and prayer. Laura is a Santa Cruz local and loves attending GCC with her incredible family. She is married to Pastor Brandon and they have three precious children together.

Jonathan Puscizna

High School Director

Jonathan leads our high school ministry and outreach ministries.

He first became involved in ministry during college through leading Bible studies and participating in his campus fellowship. After becoming a member at GCC he started exploring how to meet the needs of people in Santa Cruz county which led to him starting a Nursing Home Ministry and leading church services at several nursing homes around the county. Most recently he has stepped into the role of leading our high school ministry.

Jonathan wants to go into full time pastoral ministry and is planning to attend Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and pursue an MDiv in Pastoral Studies. He was recently married to his beautiful bride, Allison.

Amber Spence

communications Director

Amber oversees communication and administration at GCC. She loves that she gets to use two different sides of her gifting - keeping things organized and running smoothly, and connecting with people and discovering where God has gifted them to serve. Amber and her husband, Nico, both grew up in Santa Cruz and met serving in worship ministry at a local church. They continue to serve together on the GCC worship team. They have three sweet boys together, including identical twins!


Ministry residents are in training for future ministry and responsible for starting and overseeing new ministries at GCC.

Sam Bae

Worship Ministry resident

Sam has always had a passion for music, and he is excited to use his gifts to serve the church through playing music and running technical aspects of our services. He regularly helps lead worship for our various ministries including Christian Challenge and our Nursing Home Ministry. He loves hearing our congregation proclaim God's name in song every Sunday morning. Additionally, Sam leads our Nursing Home Ministry, bringing a church service to two local nursing homes. He Is delighted to see how God is working in dark spaces as the gospel is proclaimed and people find salvation in their final years on this Earth. Sam works as a music instructor at a local school and is working towards starting seminary.

Brody Bruce

Middle School Ministry resident

Brody leads our Middle School Ministry, a ministry that is dear to him because it is where he first started serving the church and discovered his gift of serving. Brody is also involved in several other ministries at GCC including leading our set-up team, co-leading our Homeless Outreach Ministry, and serving in high school ministry. He feels blessed to have the calling to serve the church and further the kingdom of God through the many ministries he is part of and wherever he is needed. Brody is currently taking a Biblical counseling class and works as an electrician.

Andrew Park

High School outreach resident

Andrew first became interested in ministry in middle school when he joined the worship team. As he has grown in faith and leadership, he desires is to devote his time to furthering the kingdom of God through supporting his local church as he explores God’s calling for his life. He currently serves as a high school leader and recently started a Christian club at a local high school where he is connecting with many new students and equipping several student leaders. He loves seeing hearts changed from lukewarm or even in opposition to the faith, to being on fire for God as they learn the sweetness of the gospel!

Andrew has a BA in Sociology from UCSC. When he isn’t working at Shamma Sandals or spending time with high school students, you can find him cutting hair as a barber, playing sports, or playing a variety of musical instruments.


Deacons are servant leaders responsible for meeting tangible needs in our congregation.

Bob Sanders

Bob joyfully serves the church in many capacities, including deacon and treasurer. He cares deeply for the members of our church and expanding the kingdom of God. He loves supporting our church community through his various roles and his experience as an attorney. Bob and his wife, Liz, serve on the deacon team together.

Liz Sanders

Liz plays many different roles at GCC, from serving as a teacher in Kids Ministry, to helping on our care team, to serving as a deaconess. She has even helped out with our high school camps! Her passion is serving her church family. She finds deep joy in caring for anyone who crosses her path and reaching out to those far from Christ. Liz has lived in Santa Cruz for over 50 years - she was raised here and raised her kids here! She and her husband, Bob, serve on the deacon team together.